Collabora Office Calc Options

Defines various settings for spreadsheets, contents to be displayed, and the cursor direction after a cell entry. You can also define sorting lists, determine the number of decimal places and the settings for recording and highlighting changes.

To access this command...

Open a spreadsheet document, choose Tools - Options - Collabora Office Calc.


Defines general settings for spreadsheet documents.


Defines default settings for new spreadsheet documents.


Defines which elements of the Collabora Office Calc main window are displayed. You can also show or hide highlighting of values in tables.


Defines the calculation settings for spreadsheets. Defines the behavior of spreadsheets with iterative references, the date settings, the number of decimal places, and if capitalization or lower cases are to be considered when searching within sheets.


Defines formula syntax options and loading options for Collabora Office Calc.

Sort Lists

All user-defined lists are displayed in the Sort Lists dialog. You can also define and edit your own lists. Only text can be used as sort lists, no numbers.


The Changes dialog specifies various options for highlighting recorded changes in documents.


Defines compatibility options for Collabora Office Calc.


Specifies the settings for the configurable grid on your document pages. This grid helps you determine the exact position of your objects. You can also set this grid in line with the "magnetic" snap grid.


Determines the printer settings for spreadsheets.


Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened.