Table Data Bar
Use the Table Data bar to control the data view.
The filtered data view is active until you change or cancel the sorting or filtering criteria. If a filter is active, the Apply Filter icon on the Table Data bar is activated.
Saves the current database table record. The Save Record icon is found on the Table Data bar .
Turns the edit mode for the current database table on or off.
Reverses the last command or the last entry you typed. To select the command that you want to reverse, click the arrow next to the Undo icon on the Standard bar.
In forms or database tables, you can search through data fields, list boxes, and check boxes for specific values.
Refreshes the displayed data. In a multi-user environment, refreshing the data ensures that it remains current.
Specifies the sort criteria for the data display.
Text fields are sorted alphabetically, numerical fields are sorted by number.
Text fields are sorted alphabetically, number fields are sorted by number.
Filters the records, based on the content of the currently selected data field.
Switches between the filtered and unfiltered view of the table.
Allows you to set the filtering options.
Cancels the filter settings and displays all of the records in the current table.
Inserts all fields of the marked record into the current document at the cursor position.
Updates the contents of the existing database fields by the marked records. The Data to Fields icon is only available if the current document is a text document.
Starts the Mail Merge Wizard to create form letters.
Displays, in the data source browser, the table that is linked to the current document.
Data Source of Current Document
Turns on and off the view of the data source explorer. The Explorer On/Off icon is visible on the Table Data bar .
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