Manage Templates

The Template Manager dialog makes it easy to manage templates and allows to start new documents using templates.

To access this command...

Choose menu File - New – Templates.

Choose menu File – Template – Manage Templates.

Enter Ctrl+Shift+N in any Collabora Office module.

Press the Templates button in the Start Center.

Select any template type from the Templates button of the Start Center.

Templates save editing time by starting new documents with pre-filled contents and formatting. The Template Manager allows you to access and organize templates in Collabora Office.

Collabora Office comes with a set of built-in templates that can be used to create documents, presentations, spreadsheets or drawings. You may use templates available in the template manager, create your own templates or browse online for additional templates.

Note Icon

If you have opened the Collabora Office start center and have not yet opened a document or application, the Template Manager may be accessed differently. Ctrl-Shift-N will still open the Template Manager, but it may also be accessed by choosing Templates from the left sidebar, and then choosing Manage Templates.

Main Window – Template Choices

Previews of available templates show up in the main window based on your search and filtering choices. Double-click on any template icon to open a new document with the contents and formatting of the template.


You may search for a template by entering text in the search box at the top left. The Main window show the templates found.


You may filter for All Applications, Documents, Spreadsheets or Drawings by choosing an option from the dropdown box at the top-center. The main window displays the filtered templates.


Categories are folders where you place your templates. You may choose from the defaults categories My Templates, Business Correspondence, MediaWiki, Other Business Documents, Personal Correspondence and Documents, Presentations, or Styles. You may create new categories for your personal use. Use the Settings button of the Template Manager to create a new category.

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Categories inside a category are not allowed.

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To add the templates in another folder to the My Templates category, choose Tools - Options - Collabora Office - Paths, and then enter the path.


Click on the Settings icon at the bottom left to open the Settings menu. The options are create a New Category, Delete Category or Refresh. If a default template for new documents has been changed, an additional option to reset the factory default template is available.

Browse Online Templates

To browse for more templates online, click on the Browse online templates icon at bottom left to open a browser window and search for templates at


Select a template in the main window and right-click and then choose Open, press Enter or double click to open a new document using that template.


Select a template in the main window and right-click and then choose Edit to edit the template. This function is only available for templates that are not built-in.

Set as Default

Select a template in the main window and right-click and then choose Set as Default to set the template as the default template. This will cause a green tick to appear over the template and the template will automatically load when a new document is created using the matching application.

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Refer to the Standard Template


Select a template in the main window and right-click and then choose Rename to rename the template. This will cause a dialog box to appear where a new name may be chosen for the template. Type in the name and then choose OK or choose Cancel to revert to the name that is already set.


Select a template in the main window and press the delete button, or right-click then choose Delete to delete the template. A dialog box will appear requesting confirmation. Choose Yes to delete or No to cancel.


Choose the Move option at the bottom right after selecting a template to move it to a different category. Default templates cannot be moved, but copies can be created in other categories.


Choose a template in the main window and then press the Export button at the bottom right to export the template to a folder on your computer.


Press the Import button at the bottom right, and then choose a Category to import a template from your computer to that category in the Template Manager.


Example 1 – Creating a Business Letter

  1. Open Collabora Office Writer

  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+N or choose File - New - Templates to open the Template Manager

  3. Type “business letter” into the search box

  4. Choose one of the templates from the main window by double-clicking on it or pressing tab to select and then Enter

  5. A new document using that template is created in a new instance of Collabora Office Writer

  6. Change text and logo as needed

Example 2 – Import Template – Personal Budget Spreadsheet

  1. Open Collabora Office Calc

  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+N or choose File - New - Templates to open the Template Manager

  3. Click on the world icon to browse for online templates

  4. Search for the Personal Budget Template, then download it

  5. Open Template Manager and choose the Import button

  6. Select a category to save the new template in (e.g. My Templates) and press OK

  7. Browse to the folder where you downloaded the template, select it and press Open

  8. The Template is now available in the category you chose.

Example 3 – Collabora Office Impress – Presentation Template

  1. Open Collabora Office Impress

  2. The Template Manager opens automatically when you open Collabora Office Impress

  3. Choose a template for your presentation, filter by categories or search

  4. Additional features are unavailable, and you may only select a template, filter, or import.

  5. After starting Collabora Office Impress you may run the Template Manager again to access additional features.

Tip Icon

Make use of categories to organize your templates. Create new templates or download templates and organize in the Template Manager. Use templates to save time for repetitive documents.

See Templates and Styles for related information.

See Creating a Document Template for related information.

See Chapter 3 – Using Styles and Templates in the Getting Started Guide, available from the documentation website.

Refer to for templates to download.