Drawing Sectors and Segments
The Ellipse toolbar contains tools for drawing ellipses and circles. You can also draw segments and sectors of circles and ellipses.
To draw a sector of a circle or an ellipse:
Open the Ellipses toolbar and click one of the Circle Pie or Ellipse Pie icons
. The mouse pointer changes to a cross hair with a small icon of a sector.
Position the pointer at the edge of the circle you want to draw and drag to create the circle.
To create a circle by dragging from the center, press OptionAlt while dragging.
Release the mouse button when the circle has reached the size you want. A line corresponding to the circle radius appears in the circle.
Position the pointer where you want to place the first boundary of the sector and click.
As the radius line that follows the pointer is constrained to the circle boundaries, you can click anywhere in the document.
Position the pointer where you want to place the second boundary of the sector and click. The completed sector is displayed.
To draw a segment of a circle or ellipse, follow the steps for creating a sector based on a circle.
To draw an arc based on an ellipse, choose one of the arc icons and follow the same steps for creating a sector based on a circle.