Automatically Filling in Data Based on Adjacent Cells

You can automatically fill cells with data with the AutoFill command or the Series command.

Using AutoFill

AutoFill automatically generates a data series based on a defined pattern.

  1. On a sheet, click in a cell, and type a number.

  2. Click in another cell and then click back in the cell where you typed the number.

  3. Drag the fill handle in the bottom right corner of the cell across the cells that you want to fill, and release the mouse button.

    The cells are filled with ascending numbers.

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To quickly create a list of consecutive days, enter Monday in a cell, and drag the fill handle.

Hold down Ctrl if you do not want to fill the cells with different values.

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If you select two or more adjacent cells that contain different numbers, and drag, the remaining cells are filled with the arithmetic pattern that is recognized in the numbers. The AutoFill function also recognizes customized lists that are defined under Tools - Options - Collabora Office Calc - Sort Lists.

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You can double-click the fill handle to automatically fill all empty columns of the current data block. For example, first enter Jan into A1 and drag the fill handle down to A12 to get the twelve months in the first column. Now enter some values into B1 and C1. Select those two cells, and double-click the fill handle. This fills automatically the data block B1:C12.

Using a Defined Series

  1. Select the cell range in the sheet that you want to fill.

  2. Choose Sheet - Fill Cells - Series.

  3. Select the parameters for the series.

    If you select a linear series, the increment that you enter is added to each consecutive number in the series to create the next value.

    If you select a growth series, the increment that you enter is multiplied by each consecutive number to create the next value.

    If you select a date series, the increment that you enter is added to the time unit that you specify.