Editing String Contents
The following functions edit, format, and align the contents of strings. Use the & operator to concatenate strings.
Converts a number to a string, and then formats it according to the format that you specify.
Converts all uppercase letters in a string to lowercase.
Returns the number of leftmost characters that you specify of a string expression.
Aligns a string to the left of a string variable, or copies a variable of a user-defined type to another variable of a different user-defined type.
Removes all leading spaces at the start of a string expression.
Returns the specified portion of a string expression (Mid function ), or replaces the portion of a string expression with another string (Mid statement ).
Returns the rightmost "n" characters of a string expression.
Right-aligns a string within a string variable, or copies a user-defined variable type into another.
Deletes the spaces at the end of a string expression.
Removes all leading and trailing spaces from a string expression.
Converts lowercase characters in a string to uppercase.
Returns an array of substrings from a string expression.
Returns a string from a number of substrings in a string array.
Converts a system file name to a file URL.
Converts a file URL to a system file name.
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