Collabora Office 24.04 ヘルプ
ImpressとDrawでは、各々二つの図形を、コネクタと呼ばれる線でつなぐことができます。二つの図形の間にコネクタを引くと、そのコネクタは各々の図形にある接着点にくっつけられます。各々の図形はデフォルトの接着点を有していて、デフォルトの接着点の位置は、図形により異なります。独自のユーザー定義の接着点を図形に加え、今度は そのユーザー定義の接着点にコネクタをくっつけることができます。
Do one of the following to get existing gluepoints visible for all elements:
Click the Gluepoints icon on the toolbar; or
.Click the Insert Gluepoint icon on the toolbar.
Select element on slide where you want to add gluepoints.
If the shape is filled, you can click anywhere inside the shape. If the shape is unfilled, you can click the border to insert a gluepoint. Once inserted, you can drag the gluepoint to another position inside the shape.
With the four icons next to the Insert Gluepoint icon, you choose the directions which will be permitted for a connector at this gluepoint. You can choose one or more directions for a particular gluepoint.
If the Gluepoint Relative icon is active, the gluepoint moves when you resize the object to keep its position relative to the object borders.
If the Gluepoint Relative icon is not active, the icons next to it are no longer grayed out. With these icons you can decide where a gluepoint will be placed when the size of the object is changed.