


A style is a set of formatting attributes, grouped and identified by a name (the style name). When you apply a style to an object, the object is formatted with the set of attributes of the style. Several objects of same nature can have the same style. As consequence, when you change the set of formatting attributes of the style, all objects associated with the style also change their formatting attributes accordingly. Use styles to uniformly format a large set of paragraphs, cells, and objects and better manage the formatting of documents.

When you do not use styles, and apply formatting attributes to parts of text directly, this is called Direct formatting (also called manual formatting). The formatting is applied only to the selected area of the document. If the document has several paragraphs, frames, or any other object, you apply direct formatting on each object. Direct formatting is available with the Format menu and with the Formatting toolbar.

A direct formatting attribute applied on a object overrides the corresponding attribute of the style applied to the object.

Collabora Office Writer ドキュメント内で直接設定した書式をすべて削除

  1. Press +A to select the whole text.

  2. 書式 → 直接設定した書式の解除 を選択します。

Collabora Office Calc 表計算ドキュメント内の直接書式設定をすべて削除

  1. Shift キーを押した状態で、最初のシートのタブと最後のシートのタブをクリックすると、すべてのセルが選択されます。

  2. Press +A to select the whole text.

  3. 書式 → 直接設定した書式の解除 を選択します。

Collabora Office プレゼンテーション内の直接書式設定をすべて削除

  1. アウトライン タブをクリックすると、アウトライン表示が開きます。

  2. Press +A to select the whole text.

  3. 書式 → 直接設定した書式の解除 を選択します。
