Using Smart Tags

Smart Tags provide additional information and functionality to specified words in a Writer document. The available features can be different for different Smart Tags extensions.

Installing Smart Tags

Smart Tags can be supplied as extensions to Collabora Office Writer.

To install a Smart Tag, do one of the following:

Smart Tags Menu

Any text in a Writer document can be marked with a Smart Tag, by default a magenta colored underline. You can change the color in - Collabora Office - Application Colors.

When you point to a Smart Tag, a tip help informs you to -click to open the Smart Tags menu. If you don't use a mouse, position the cursor inside the marked text and open the context menu by Shift+F10.

U izborniku Smart tagovi vidljive su dostupne mogućnosti definirane za taj Smart tag. Odaberite mogućnost iz izbornika. Smart tagovi mogućnosti naredba otvara Smart tagove stranicu iz izbornika Alati - Mogućnosti automatskog ispravljanja.

To Enable and Disable Smart Tags

When you have installed at least one Smart Tags extension, you see the Smart Tags page in Tools - AutoCorrect - AutoCorrect Options. Use this dialog to enable or disable Smart Tags and to manage the installed tags.

Note Icon

Text that is recognized as a Smart Tag is not checked by the automatic spellcheck.

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