

If two adjacent text ranges' all border properties are identical (same style, width, color, padding and shadow), then those two ranges will be considered to be part of the same border group and rendered within the same border in the document.


  1. Select the range of characters around which you want to add a border.

  2. 選擇 [格式] - [頁] - [邊框]

  3. [預設]區塊中選取其中一種預設邊框樣式。

  4. [線條]區塊中為所選的邊框樣式選取線條樣式及其顏色。這些設定適用於所選邊框樣式包含的全部邊框線條。

  5. Select the distance between the border lines and the selected characters in the Padding area. You can only change distances to edges that have a border line defined.

  6. 按一下[確定]以採用變更。


  1. Select the range of characters around which you want to add a border.

  2. 選擇 [格式] - [頁] - [邊框]

  3. [使用者自訂]區塊中選取要使其出現在通用版面配置中的邊緣。在預覽中的邊緣上按一下滑鼠以切換邊緣的選擇。

  4. [線條]區塊中為所選的邊框樣式選取線條樣式及其顏色。這些設定適用於所選邊框樣式包含的全部邊框線條。

  5. 對每一個邊框邊緣重複上兩個步驟。

  6. Select the distance between the border lines and the selected characters in the Padding area. You can only change distances to edges that have a border line defined.

  7. 按一下[確定]以採用變更。

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