Collabora Office 21.06 Help
在目前文件中加入或移除及格式化行號。若要在行編號中排除某個段落,請在此段落中按一下,選擇[格式] - [段落],按一下[編號]標籤,然後清除[包括這個段落的行]核取方塊。您也可以在行編號中排除某個段落樣式。
HTML 格式中無法使用行號。
Adds line numbers to the current document.
Select the formatting style that you want to use for the line numbers.
Select the numbering style that you want to use.
Select where you want the line numbers to appear.
Enter the amount of space that you want to leave between the line numbers and the text.
Enter the counting interval for the line numbers.
Enter the text that you want to use as a separator.
Enter the number of lines to leave between the separators.
Specify whether to include empty paragraphs or lines in frames in the line count.
Includes empty paragraphs in the line count.
Adds line numbers to text in frames. The numbering restarts in each frame, and is excluded from the line count in the main text area of the document. In linked frames, the numbering is not restarted.
Restarts line numbering at the top of each page in the document.