Collabora Office 21.06 Help
Chapter numbering is linked to paragraph styles. By default, the "Heading" paragraph styles (1-10) are assigned to the corresponding chapter and outline number levels (1-10). If you want, you can assign different paragraph styles to the outline number level.
If you want numbered headings, use the Tools - Chapter Numbering menu command to assign numbering to a paragraph style. Do not use the Numbering icon on the Formatting toolbar.
To highlight the screen display of chapter and outline numbers, choose View - Field Shadings.
Saves or loads a chapter numbering format. A saved chapter numbering format is available to all text documents.
The Load/Save button is only available for chapter numbering. For numbered or bulleted list styles, modify the numbering styles of the paragraphs.
Opens a dialog where you can save the current settings for the selected chapter and outline level. You can then load these settings from another document.