Collabora Office 21.06 Help
Choose a function in the lower part of the Elements pane. These functions are also listed in the context menu of the Commands window. Any functions not contained in the Elements pane need to be typed manually in the Commands window.
The following is a list of all functions that appear in the Elements pane. The icon next to the function indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements pane (menu View - Elements) or through the context menu of the Commands window.
插入 x 的 y 次方。 您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 <?>^{<?>}。可將 ^ 字元替換成 rsup 或 sup。
You can also assign an index or an exponent to a function. For example, typing sin^2x results in a function "sine to the power of 2x".
在「指令」視窗中手動輸入時,請注意空白字元對於一些函式結構而言是不可省缺的(如,abs 5=5 ;abs -3=3)。