Collabora Office 21.06 Help
You can choose among various relations to structure your Collabora Office Math formula. The relation functions are displayed in the lower part of the Elements pane. The list is also in the context menu of the Commands window. All relations that are not contained in the Elements pane or in the context menu can be typed manually in the Commands window.
The following is a complete list of the relations. The symbol next to the name of the relation indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements pane (choose View - Elements) or through the context menu of the Commands window.
若要建立帶有兩個佔位項的遠大於關係,請在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 <?> gg <?> 或 >>。
在文件中可利用 ll 或 << 插入「主要小於」關係。也可以利用兩個萬用字元來輸入表達式 <?>ll<?>。
您可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 <?>transl<?> 指令以插入對應字元「圖片來自」和兩個佔位項。
指令 <?>transr<?> 會插入含有兩個佔位項的對應字元「來源為」。
在「指令」視窗中手動輸入時,請注意在許多運算子中,空字元對於正確的結構來說是不可缺少的。尤其是使用佔位項而不是數值時,例如在「主要大於」關係中,輸入10 gg 1 或 a gg b 時。