Collabora Office 21.06 Help
在 [效果選項] 對話方塊中指定目前效果的文字動畫設定。
Specifies how multiple paragraphs are animated:
當作單個物件 - 所有段落作為單個物件採用動畫效果。
同時針對所有段落 - 同時針對所有段落採用動畫效果,但可有不同的效果。
第一層段落 - 逐一對第一層段落 (包括子層級的段落) 採用動畫效果。
If "Group text - By 1st level paragraphs" is selected, the paragraphs are animated one after the other.
Enter an additional delay in seconds to animate subsequent paragraphs.
Deselect this box to animate only the text, not the shape.
Animates the paragraphs in reverse order.