Collabora Office 21.06 Help
Specifies the support options for Java applications in Collabora Office, including which Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to use. It also specifies whether to use experimental (unstable) features such as macro recording and access expert configuration.
可讓您在 Collabora Office 中執行 Java 應用程式。當 Java 應用程式嘗試存取您的硬碟時,會出現一則提示。
選取要使用的 JRE。在部分系統上,您必須等候片刻,才會填入清單。在部分系統上,必須重新啟動 Collabora Office,才可使用變更的設定。JRE 路徑顯示在清單方塊下。
You can override the default JRE of the operating system with one of the following alternatives:
By setting the environment variable JAVA_HOME,
By adding a JRE to the $PATH variable,
By providing the configuration file javasettings_macOS_X86_64.xml javasettings_Windows_X86_64.xml javasettings_Linux_X86_64.xml javasettings_${_OS}_${_ARCH}.xml in the folder <instdir>/presets/config.
增加路徑到電腦上的 JRE 根資料夾中。 此路徑如下列對話方塊所設。
開啟[Java 啟動參數] 對話方塊。
開啟[類別路徑] 對話方塊。
Enables features that are not yet complete or may contain known bugs. The list of these features is different version by version, or even it can be empty.
Enables macro recording. The menu item is available.
Opens the Expert Configuration dialog for advanced settings and configuration of Collabora Office.