使用 [表格資料] 列以控制資料檢視。
在您變更或取消排序條件或篩選條件之前,篩選的資料檢視會一直維持作用中狀態。如果某個篩選處於使用中狀態,則會啟動 [表格資料] 列中的使用篩選圖示。
Saves the current database table record. The Save Record icon is found on the Table Data bar.
Reverses the last command or the last entry you typed. To select the command that you want to reverse, click the arrow next to the Undo icon on the Standard bar.
In forms or database tables, you can search through data fields, list boxes, and check boxes for specific values.
Updates the contents of the existing database fields by the marked records. The Data to Fields icon is only available if the current document is a text document.
啟動 [合併列印精靈] 以建立套印信件。
Displays, in the data source browser, the table that is linked to the current document.
開啟與關閉資料來源檔案總管的檢視。在 「表格資料列」上可以看到 [啟動或關閉檔案總管] 圖示。