Collabora Office 21.06 Help
Some toolbar icons, for example the Font Color icon, can open another toolbar. Click the arrow next to the icon to open a toolbar containing further icons.
You now have a choice: either click the icon that you want to activate, or seize the toolbar by its title bar and drag it while holding down the mouse button.
部分工具列會根據上下文自動開啟。例如,當您按一下文字文件中的表格時,[表格] 工具列即會開啟。當您按一下編號段落時,[項目符號與編號] 工具列即會開啟。
Toolbars are hidden by default when the Notebook bar is active.
在工具列上按一下標題列圖示,或從右鍵功能表中選擇 [關閉工具列]。當該上下文再次成為使用中時,即會自動重新顯示工具列。
While the toolbar is visible, choose View - Toolbars and click the name of the toolbar to remove the check mark.
選擇 [檢視] - [工具列] 並按一下工具列名稱。
選擇 [檢視] - [工具列] - [重設],將工具列重設為預設的上下文相關運作方式。此時會根據上下文自動顯示部分工具列。
Depending on your system's window manager settings, you may also double-click an empty place on the toolbar or window, while holding down the CommandCtrl key. Or double-click the title bar of the floating toolbar or window.