Collabora Office 21.06 Help
若要啟用取代清單,請選擇 [工具] - [自動校正選項],按一下 [選項] 標籤,然後選取 [使用取代清單]。若要在輸入時使用取代清單,請選擇 [格式] - [自動校正] - [在輸入時]。
Lists the entries for automatically replacing words, abbreviations or word parts while you type. To add an entry, enter text in the Replace and With boxes, and then click New. To edit an entry, select it, change the text in the With box, and then click Replace. To delete an entry, select it, and then click Delete.
You can use the AutoCorrect feature to apply a specific character format to a word, abbreviation or a word part. Select the formatted text in your document, open this dialog, clear the Text only box, and then enter the text that you want to replace in the Replace box.
只要外框、圖形和 OLE 物件在文字中當作字元鎖定,您就可以將它們加入到自動校正條目中。選取外框、圖形或 OLE 物件,在所選物件的前後要分別選取至少一個文字字元。開啟此對話方塊,在 [縮寫] 方塊中鍵入此自動校正條目的名稱,然後按一下 [新增]。
Enter the word, abbreviation or word part that you want to replace while you type. Wildcard character sequence .* in the end of word results the replacement of the word before arbitrary suffixes, too. Wildcard character sequence .* before the word results the replacement after arbitrary prefixes, too. For example, the pattern "i18n.*" with the replacement text "internationalization" finds and replaces "i18ns" with "internationalizations", or the pattern ".*..." with the replacement text "…" finds and replaces three dots in "word..." with the typographically correct precomposed Unicode horizontal ellipsis ("word…").
To replace word parts or characters within words, you can use starting and terminating wildcard character sequences in the same pattern. For example, entering time values can be faster using only numerical keys, and double decimal separators as colons in the following way: set the pattern ".*...*" or ".*,,.*" (double dots or commas within words) and the replacement text ":", and entering "10..30" or "10,,30" results "10:30" automatically.
輸入用來代替 [縮寫] 方塊中文字的替代文字、圖形、外框或 OLE 物件。如果在文件中已選取文字、圖形、外框或 OLE 物件,則此處已輸入相關資訊。
儲存 [更替成] 方塊中的條目,但不儲存其格式。進行替代時,文字使用與文件中的文字相同的格式。