Collabora Office 21.06 Help
Converts the selected Chinese text from one Chinese writing system to the other. If no text is selected, the entire document is converted. You can only use this command if you enable Asian language support in .
Select the conversion direction.
將繁體中文字元轉換成簡體中文字元。按一下 [確定],即可轉換所選取的文字。如果沒有選取文字,則會轉換整份文件。
將簡體中文字元轉換成繁體中文字元。按一下 [確定],即可轉換所選取的文字。如果沒有選取文字,則會轉換整份文件。
Common terms are words that have the same meaning in traditional and simplified Chinese but are written with different characters.
開啟 [編輯字典] 對話方塊,您可於此處編輯轉換字詞清單。