Collabora Office 21.06 Help
The Print dialog consists of three main parts: A preview with navigation buttons, tab pages with control elements specific to the current document type, and the Print, Cancel and Help buttons.
Printing text documents:
Printing spreadsheets:
Printing presentations:
General printing:
The settings that you define in the Print dialog are valid only for the current print job that you start by clicking the Print button. If you want to change some options permanently, open .
To set the default Collabora Office printer options for text documents, choose .
To set the default Collabora Office printer options for spreadsheet documents, choose .
To set the default Collabora Office printer options for presentation documents, choose .
Press Shift+F1 or choose and point to any control element in the Print dialog to see an extended help text.
The preview shows how each sheet of paper will look. You can browse through all sheets of paper with the buttons below the preview.
On the General tab page, you find the most important control elements for printing. You can define which contents of your document are to be printed. You can select the printer and open the Printer Settings dialog.
若切換到開啟,自動插入的空白頁面即會匯出為 pdf 檔案。雙面列印 pdf 檔案時最好使用此選項。範例:在書籍中,章節段落樣式設定為一律由奇數頁開始。若前一章節在奇數頁結束,則 Collabora Office 會插入一個偶數頁的空白頁面。此選項控制是否要匯出該偶數頁。
The Page Layout section can be used to save some sheets of paper by printing several pages onto each sheet of paper. You define the arrangement and size of output pages on the physical paper.
Change the arrangement of pages to be printed on every sheet of paper. The preview shows how every final sheet of paper will look.
You can also use the Printer Settings to specify additional printer options.