The Tools menu contains commands to check spelling, to trace sheet references, to find mistakes and to define scenarios.
您也可以建立和指定巨集,調整工具列、功能表和鍵盤的外觀與風格,以及設定 Collabora Office 應用程式的標準選項。
Allows you to attach URLs to specific areas, called hotspots, on a graphic or a group of graphics. An image map is a group of one or more hotspots.
Opens the Solver dialog. A solver allows you to solve mathematical problems with multiple unknown variables and a set of constraints on the variables by goal-seeking methods.
Defines a scenario for the selected sheet area.
The Protect Sheet or Protect Spreadsheet Structure commands prevent changes from being made to cells in the sheets or to sheets in a document. As an option, you can define a password. If a password is defined, removal of the protection is only possible if the user enters the correct password.
The Extension Manager adds, removes, disables, enables, and updates Collabora Office extensions.
Opens the XML Filter Settings dialog, where you can create, edit, delete, and test filters to import and to export XML files.
Customizes Collabora Office menus, context menus, shortcut keys, toolbars, and macro assignments to events.