Get Statement


请参阅: PUT 语句


Get Statement diagram

Get [#]fileNum, [recordNum|filePos], variable


fileNum: Any integer expression that determines the file number.

recordNum: For files opened in Random mode, recordNum is the number of the record that you want to read.

For files opened in Binary mode, filePos is the byte position in the file where the reading starts.

If recordNum and filePos are omitted, the current position or the current data record of the file is used.

variable: Name of the variable to be read. With the exception of object variables, you can use any variable type.


Sub ExampleRandomAccess
    Dim iNumber As Integer
    Dim sText As Variant ' 必须是变量
    Dim aFile As String
    aFile = "c:\data.txt"
    iNumber = Freefile
    Open aFile For Random As #iNumber Len=32
    Seek #iNumber,1 ' 起始位置
    Put #iNumber,, "这是第一行文字" ' 用文字填充行
    Put #iNumber,, "This is the second line of text"
    Put #iNumber,, "This is the third line of text"
    Seek #iNumber,2
    Get #iNumber,,sText
    Print sText
    Close #iNumber
    iNumber = Freefile
    Open aFile For Random As #iNumber Len=32
    Get #iNumber,2,sText
    Put #iNumber,,"This is a new text"
    Get #iNumber,1,sText
    Get #iNumber,2,sText
    Put #iNumber,20,"This is the text in record 20"
    Print Lof(#iNumber)
    Close #iNumber
End Sub
