Microsoft Office

Specifies the settings for importing and exporting Microsoft Office and other documents.


Choose - Load/Save - Microsoft Office.

Embedded Objects

The Embedded Objects section specifies how to import and export Microsoft Office or other OLE objects.

These settings are valid when no Microsoft or other OLE server exists (for example, in UNIX) or when there is no Collabora Office OLE server ready for editing the OLE objects.

OLE サーバーが埋め込みオブジェクトのためにアクティブであれば、OLE サーバーはオブジェクトを取り扱うのに用いられます。

OLE サーバーが MathType オブジェクトのためにアクティブではない場合は、埋め込まれた MathType オブジェクトは Collabora Office Math オブジェクトに変えることができます。この変換のためには埋め込まれた MathType オブジェクトは MathType3.1 仕様を上回ってはいけません。

[L] and [S] Columns

The [L] and [S] checkbox displays the entries for the pair of OLE objects that can be converted when loading into Collabora Office [L] and/or when saving into a Microsoft format [S].

Mark the box in the [L] column in front of the entry if a Microsoft or other OLE object is to be converted into the specified Collabora Office OLE object when a Microsoft or other document is loaded into Collabora Office.

オブジェクト名の前の[S] 列でボックスを選択すると、その Collabora Office OLE オブジェクトは、ドキュメントが Microsoft ファイル形式で保存される際に指定の Microsoft OLE オブジェクトに変換されます。

Character Highlighting

Microsoft Office has two character attributes similar to Collabora Office character background. Select the appropriate attribute (highlighting or shading) which you would like to use during export to Microsoft Office file formats.

Lock files

Mark this checkbox to generate a Microsoft Office lock file in addition to Collabora Office own lock file. Lock files signal to applications that a resource or file should not be used until the lock is released.


Collabora Office can read lock files generated by Microsoft Office.
