Collabora Office ヘルプ

Collabora Officeヘルプページは、システムのデフォルト ウェブブラウザで表示されます。





Collabora Office拡張機能のヘルプページは、以前のヘルプシステムを使用しています。以前のヘルプシステムの使用方法については、こちらからご覧いただけます

Collabora Officeヘルプページの機能


ページ上部にあるドロップダウンリストをクリックして開き、Collabora Officeモジュールを選択すると、モジュールヘルプのメインページが表示されます。


Available only in the online version, select the language to display the current help page.


ヘルプ索引には、すべてのCollabora Officeモジュールのキーワードリストが表示されます。リスト内のキーワードをクリックすると、リンクされたヘルプページが表示されます。


Type the keyword in the Search text box. The search is performed immediately, while you type the keyword.

The search results is displayed as a filtered list of matches. The module name is displayed as a heading on the list. The GLOBAL heading indicates a match for keywords relevant to more than one Collabora Office module. For example, cell borders applies to spreadsheets cells as well as text and presentation table cells or frames.

Use the arrow icons on the bottom of the Index to scroll forward or backward the Index entries or filtered result list.

Contents - The Main Help Topics

Displays an index of the main topics of all modules.

Using the browser for Collabora Office Help

Navigating in Help pages

Use the Back and Forward buttons of the browser to navigate between pages. In most browsers, a long click on the Back button displays a dropdown list of previously visited pages and a long click on the Forward button display a list of visited pages after the current one.

Bookmarking Help pages

Use the bookmark feature of the browser for quick access to relevant Help pages. To bookmark a page in most browsers:

  1. Open the Bookmark menu of the browser,

  2. select Add bookmark, or

    Press +D on most browsers.

  3. Enter the name, folder and meaningful tags for the bookmark.

  4. Close the bookmark dialog of the web browser.

Help Pages Navigation History

Each Help page visited is recorded in the web browser history. To open the navigation history:

  1. Choose the History menu of the web browser,

  2. Select Show History.

  3. Click on any entry of the history main window to open the corresponding help page.

Copying Help contents to clipboard

You can copy contents from the Help page to the clipboard on your operating system with standard copy commands. For example:

  1. On a Help page, select the text that you want to copy.

  2. Press +C.

Some contents in help pages can be copied to the system clipboard with only one mouse click. In these cases a tooltip appears when hovering the mouse on the copy-enabled contents. For example, the following line is copy-enabled:



To search in the current Help page:

  1. Open the View menu of your default web browser and choose Find on this Page entry.

    You can also press +F.

  2. In the Search for box, enter the text that you want to find.

  3. Select the search options that you want to use.

  4. Press Enter.

To find the next occurrence of the search term on the page, click on the Up arrow or Down arrow to find the previous or next occurrence.





重要! アイコンはデータやシステムのセキュリティに関する重要な情報を示しています。


メモ アイコンは追加の情報を示しています。 例えば、ある目標を達成するための別の方法などです。


