Select Function

Insert a function of a cell range into the current cell. The function can be Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum and Count. Click in a cell, click this icon, select the function in the drop down list and optionally adjust the cell range. Or select some cells into which the function value will be inserted, then click the icon. The function result is added at the bottom of the range.

Icon Select Function

Select Function

Select Function applied with no selected range

Collabora Office automatically suggests a cell range, provided that the spreadsheet contains data. If the cell range already contains a function, you can combine it with the new one to yield the function applied to the range data. If the range contains filters, the Subtotal function is inserted instead of the selected function.

Click the Accept icon to use the formula displayed in the input line or Cancel.

Accept Icon


Icon Cancel


Select Function applied on a selected range

When the selected range has two or more rows, the function is calculated for each column. The results are placed in empty cells on the first available row below the range, one result per column.

When the selected range has one row, the function result is placed in the first available cell on the right of the selected range.
