
Choose Conditional Formatting to define format styles depending on certain conditions. If a style was already assigned to a cell, it remains unchanged. The style entered here is then evaluated. There are several types of conditional formatting that can be used.

You can enter several conditions that query the contents of cell values or formulas. The conditions are evaluated from the first to the last. If the condition 1 matches the condition, the defined style will be used. Otherwise, condition 2 is evaluated, and its defined style is used. If this style does not match, then the next condition is evaluated and so on.


Choose Format - Conditional.


条件付き書式設定を適用するには、自動計算が有効になっていなければなりません。 「ツール → セルの内容 → 自動計算」を選択してください。自動計算を有効にすると、コマンドの横にチェックマークが表示されます。


You can define as many conditions as you want.

Specify if conditional formatting is dependent on one of the entry listed on the drop down box:

Color Scale

This is the same dialog box as if you select All cells in the first sub menu entry Condition.Apply a color scale to a range consist of displaying a bicolor or tricolor gradient on this range depending on the value of each cell. A typical example might be an array of temperatures, lower blue colored, warmer red with a gradient nuances to the intermediate values.

You must choose the two "extreme" colors indicate the method of calculation. The calculation of the color applied will be made in relation to: Min - Max - Percentile - Value - Percent - Formula.

The choices Min and Max are sufficient to themselves as found in the range. Other options need to be specified by a value (Percentile, Value, Percentage) or a cell reference or formula (Formula).

For a detailed explanation and examples, please visit How to apply a Color Scale Conditional Formatting page in TDF Wiki.

Icon Set

It is desired to plot the position of a value relative to the thresholds. The set of icons will help to indicate the thresholds and choose the type of icons. Available icon sets are:

Conditions to display each icon can be specified relative to a value (Value), a percentage of the number of values in the range (Percentage) as a percentage of range values (Percentile) or formula (Formula).

For a detailed explanation and examples, please visit How to use Icon Set Conditional Formatting page in TDF Wiki.


This option will apply a defined style depending on a date that you choose in the drop down box: Today - Yesterday - Tomorrow - Last 7 days - This week - Last week.


This dialog allows you to see all the conditional formatting defined in the spreadsheet.


Choose Format - Conditional Formatting - Manage.

The Manage Conditional Formatting dialog box opens. Here you can add, edit or remove one or several conditional formattings.

The Conditional Formats list displays the active conditional formatting rules set in the current spreadsheet. Only the first rule for each cell range is listed, even if there are multiple rules defined for a given range.

If you have defined a conditional formatting on a cell range and you try now to define a new conditional formatting on a part of this range, a warning message will be displayed, asking if you want to edit the existing conditional formatting (on the whole range) or define a new conditional formatting overlapping it (on the selected range).
