Err Object [VBA]

Use VBA Err object to raise or handle runtime errors.

Err is a built-in VBA global object that allows:


This constant, function or object is enabled with the statement Option VBASupport 1 placed before the executable program code in a module.

The VBA Err object has the following properties and methods:


         Err.Description As String

The Description property gives the nature of the error. Description details the various reasons that may be the cause of the error. Ideally, it provides the multiple course of actions to help solve the issue and prevent its reoccurrence. The Basic alias is the Error function for Collabora Office predefined errors.

         Err.Number As Long

The error code associated with the error. Err object default property is Number. The Collabora Office Basic alias is the Err function.

         Err.Source As String

Source indicates the name of the routine that produces the error. Source is an option for user-defined errors.



Resets description, Erl, number and source properties of current error. The Collabora Office Basic alias is the Resume statement.

         Err.Raise(Number As Long, Optional source As String, Optional description As String)

Throws user-defined errors or predefined errors. The Collabora Office Basic alias is the Error statement.


Number: A user-defined or predefined error code to be raised.


Error code range 0-2000 is reserved for Collabora Office Basic. User-defined errors may start from higher values in order to prevent collision with Collabora Office Basic future developments.

Source: The name of the routine raising the error. A name in the form of "myLibrary.myModule.myProc" is recommended.

Description: A description of the problem leading to stop the running process, accompanied with the various reasons that may cause it. A detailed list of the possible course of actions that may help solve the problem is recommended.


         Option VBASupport 1
         Sub ThrowErrors
             Dim aDesc As String : aDesc = Space(80)
             On Local Error GoTo AlertAndExecNext
             Err.Raise(91, "ThrowErrors", Error(91))
             Err.Raise 2020, Description:="This is an intended user-defined error …"
             Err.Raise(4096, "Standard.Module1.ThrowErrors", aDesc)
             Exit Sub
             errTitle = "Error "& Err &" at line "& Erl &" in "& Err.Source
             MsgBox Err.Description, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, errTitle
             Resume Next
         End Sub

Exception ClassModule


A short ClassModule, that wraps VBA Err object, can distribute Err properties and methods for standard Collabora Office Basic modules.

         Option ClassModule
         Option VBASupport 1
         Public Property Get Description As String
             Description = Err.Description
         End Property
         Public Property Get Number As Long
             Number = Err.Number
         End Property
         Public Property Get Source As String
             Source = Err.Source
         End Property
         Public Sub Clear
         End Sub
         Public Sub Raise( number As Long, Optional Source As String, Optional Description As String)
             Err.Raise number, Source, Description
         End Sub


         Function Exc As Object
             Exc = New Exception
         End Function
         Sub aRoutine
             On Local Error GoTo catch:
             Exc.Raise(4096, "myLib.myModule.aRoutine", _
                 "Any multi-line description for this user-defined exception")
             ' your code goes here …
             Exit Sub
             errTitle = "Error "& Exc.Number &" at line "& Erl &" in "& Exc.Source
             MsgBox Exc.Description, MB_ICONSTOP, errTitle
             Resume finally
         End Sub

The Error statement or an Exception-like class module can be used interchangeably, while the latter adds extra features.
