
PythonやBasicからCollabora Officeのユーザプロファイルと共有モジュールのシステムファイルパスを求められます。この情報からBeanShell、Java、JavaScriptやPythonスクリプトの場所を求められます。



>>> from <the_module> import Session

>>> print(Session.SharedPythonScripts()) # スタティックメソッド

>>> print(Session().UserName) # オブジェクトプロパティ

>>> input(Session().UserProfile) # オブジェクトプロパティ

メニュー [ツール] – [マクロ] - [マクロを実行]から。

        from <the_module> import Session
        def demo_session():
            import screen_io as ui
            ui.MsgBox(Session.Share(),title='Installation Share')  # スタティックメソッド
            ui.Print(Session.SharedPythonScripts())  # スタティックメソッド
            s = Session()  # インスタンス生成
            ui.MsgBox(s.UserName,title='Hello')  # オブジェクトプロパティ
            ui.Print(s.UserPythonScripts)  # オブジェクトプロパティ
        g_exportedScripts = (demo_session,)  # public macros

Collabora Office Basicを使って。

        Sub Session_example()
            Dim s As New Session ' instance of Session class
            Print "Shared scripts location:", s.SharedScripts
            MsgBox s.UserName,,"Hello"
            Print s.UserScripts, Chr(13), s.UserPythonScripts
        End Sub ' Session_example

COM/OLEとVisual Basicスクリプト言語を使って。

        ' The service manager is always the entry point
        ' If there is no office running then an office is started up
        Set sm = WScript.CreateObject("com.sun.star.ServiceManager")
        ' PathSubstitution service exhibits information to infer
        ' <UserProfile|Share>/Scripts/python locations from
        Set obj = sm.createInstance("com.sun.star.util.PathSubstitution")
        MsgBox CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserName,, "Hello"
        user = obj.getSubstituteVariableValue("$(user)")
        MsgBox user & "/Scripts",, "User scripts location"
        libO = Replace(obj.getSubstituteVariableValue("$(inst)"), "program/..", "Share")
        MsgBox libO & "/Scripts",, "Shared scripts location"


        import getpass, os, os.path, uno
        class Session():
            def substitute(var_name):
                ctx = uno.getComponentContext()
                ps = ctx.getServiceManager().createInstanceWithContext(
                    'com.sun.star.util.PathSubstitution', ctx)
                return ps.getSubstituteVariableValue(var_name)
            def Share():
                inst = uno.fileUrlToSystemPath(Session.substitute("$(prog)"))
                return os.path.normpath(inst.replace('program', "Share"))
            def SharedScripts():
                return ''.join([Session.Share(), os.sep, "Scripts"])
            def SharedPythonScripts():
                return ''.join([Session.SharedScripts(), os.sep, 'python'])
            @property  # alternative to '$(username)' variable
            def UserName(self): return getpass.getuser()
            def UserProfile(self):
                return uno.fileUrlToSystemPath(Session.substitute("$(user)"))
            def UserScripts(self):
                return ''.join([self.UserProfile, os.sep, 'Scripts'])
            def UserPythonScripts(self):
                return ''.join([self.UserScripts, os.sep, "python"])


Collabora Office Basicセッションクラス:

        Option Explicit
        Option Compatible
        Option ClassModule
        Private _ps As Object ' Private member
        Private Sub Class_Initialize()
            Set _ps = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.util.PathSubstitution")
        End Sub ' Constructor
        Private Sub Class_Terminate()
            _ps = Nothing
        End Sub ' Destructor
        Public Property Get SharedScripts() As String
            Dim inst As String, shr As String
            inst = ConvertFromURL(_ps.getSubstituteVariableValue("$(prog)"))
            shr = Tools.Strings.ReplaceString(inst,"Share","program")
            SharedScripts = shr & GetPathSeparator() &"Scripts"
        End Property ' Session.sharedScripts
        Public Property Get SharedPythonScripts() As String
            sharedPythonScripts = sharedScripts() & GetPathSeparator() &"python"
        End Property ' Session.sharedPythonScripts
        Public Property Get UserName() As String ' User account name
            userName = _ps.getSubstituteVariableValue("$(username)")
        End Property ' Session.userName
        Public Property Get UserProfile() As String ' User profile system path
            userProfile = ConvertFromURL(_ps.getSubstituteVariableValue("$(user)"))
        End Property ' Session.userProfile
        Public Property Get UserScripts() As String ' User scripts system path
            userScripts = userProfile() & GetPathSeparator() &"Scripts"
        End Property ' Session.userScripts
        Public Property Get UserPythonScripts() As String ' User Python scripts system path
            userPythonScripts = userScripts() & GetPathSeparator() &"python"
        End Property ' Session.userPythonScripts
